
At NewCasinos, we want to ensure that everyone can enjoy our website, which is why we strive to make our website accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. We acknowledge the importance of creating a user-friendly interface that everyone can access, no matter their personal capacities.

As such, we are dedicated to web accessibility and continuously strive to implement measures to ensure that our website meets international standards. Here, we will outline what we are doing and how you can help us create a digital environment where everyone is welcome.

a woman smiling at the phone she is holding in her hand, floating icons of eye impairment, hearing loss, and volume button with the text 'accessibility at newcasinos'

WCAG Explained

WCAG is the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, which act as a rulebook for websites. These guidelines detail how companies can create websites that are accessible to everyone so that people with disabilities can also enjoy the content and their user experience. These international guidelines cover various aspects, which we will look at later.

In the most recent update of the WCAG2.2, 13 detailed guidelines are broken into 4 main points:

  1. Perceivable looks at how the information is presented and whether it’s presented in a way that can be understood.
  2. Operability refers to using the website with different tools like screen readers and keyboards.
  3. Understandable looks at the usage of explicit language and design, making it easy for everyone to use and navigate the website.
  4. Robust refers to the website working with different technology and hardware like screen readers and assistive technology.

There are 3 compliance levels, starting at level A and going to AAA.

  • Level A is the most basic level of accessibility. Websites meeting Level A have addressed the most critical barriers, but some users may still face significant obstacles.
  • Level AA is the target level for most websites and is considered acceptable. Level AA addresses a broader range of issues and makes websites usable for a larger group of people with disabilities.
  • Level AAA is the highest level of accessibility and requires significant effort to achieve. Level AAA provides the best experience for people with disabilities.

Your Guide to WCAG Levels A, AA, and AAA

There are 3 levels of accessibility, which range from basic to optimal, and with each level, the standards become higher. Achieving these levels shows that a website is dedicated to providing accessible content and offers an inclusive experience to all within the digital space.

We will examine these levels more closely to understand what they provide users and how they change accessibility so everyone can understand a website.

WCAG Level A: The Foundation of Web Accessibility

Level A is the most basic web accessibility level. It covers the most basic requirements for ensuring that people with disabilities can perceive, operate, and understand the content.

Text Alternatives

Text alternatives, often called alt text, provide a text-based description of images, charts, graphs, etc. This allows screen readers to convey the information in a way the user can understand.

Time-Based Media

Audio and video content can be inaccessible to people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Providing text transcripts (or captions for videos) ensures everyone can access the information presented in time-based media.

Adaptable Content

People with different disabilities might need to customise how they view web pages. Adaptable content allows users to adjust the layout, font size, or colours without losing any information or functionality. It also benefits users with cognitive impairments who might prefer a simpler presentation of content.

Distinguishable Content

Ensuring sufficient colour contrast, clear separation of foreground and background elements, clear headings and labels and avoiding content that flashes or flickers can help people with visual impairments or those prone to seizures access content safely and comfortably.

Keyboard Accessible

Making all website functionality accessible via keyboard allows people with motor disabilities or those who prefer keyboard navigation to use the site effectively.

Going Beyond the Basics: WCAG Level AA Accessibility

WCAG Level AA is a more advanced level of web accessibility that builds upon Level A requirements, further enhancing the usability of web content for people with disabilities.


The contrast between the text and the background should be sufficient to assist those with low vision or colour blindness and ensure better readability. For standard text, the contrast ratio needs to be at least 4.5:1, and for larger text, it needs to be at least 3:1.

Resizable Text

Users should be able to adjust the text up to 200% without assistive technology and reduced quality of content or functionality. The text must be able to be resized without causing horizontal scrolling or overlapping content, ensuring that it remains legible and usable.

Multiple Ways to Navigate

Users should be able to navigate the website differently to accommodate different preferences and abilities. These tools can include search bars, navigation menus, sitemaps, etc.

Headings and Labels

The website’s content needs to be strategically divided to make it more understandable. Using clear and descriptive headings categorised by H1, H2, etc. and labels that clearly describe elements like buttons and form fields, those who rely on screen readers can easily locate and jump to the sections they are looking for.

Focus Visible

The keyboard navigation can be further enhanced by showing which element currently has focus. This provides a clear visual indication, such as an outline or colour change, of where the next interaction will occur.

Error Identification

Providing a seamless experience is essential, especially for those with disabilities. Error identification refers to pinpointing the error with clear messaging and providing actionable solutions that make the website more intuitive.

High Expectations: Achieving WCAG Level AAA Accessibility

WCAG Level AAA represents the highest standard of accessibility. Level AAA creates an online experience that is truly inclusive for everyone, including individuals with significant disabilities

Sign Language

Access to audio content should include sign language to assist those who might be deaf or hard of hearing. Sign language should be included in all pre-recorded audio content, ensuring that the meaning and intent are accurately conveyed.

Extended Audio Descriptions

This accessibility feature goes beyond just describing the visual action. It offers additional context for video content to make it more accessible to those who are blind or have low vision. Extended audio descriptions can include expressions, emotions, and scene changes.

Enhanced Contrast

Enhancing the contrast of all text to 7:1 makes it easier for people with low vision or colour blindness to read.

Text Spacing

This feature allows users to adjust the spacing between lines, letters, and words to ensure the text is more readable for those with dyslexia or other reading difficulties. Ideally, users should be able to adjust text spacing by 1.5 times the font size for line height, by 0.12 times the font size for letter spacing, and by 0.16 times the font size for word spacing without losing content or functionality.

Simpler Language

Simpler language should be used to assist those who may have a cognitive disorder or who do not speak the language fluently. A version of the content should be provided that avoids complex structures and wording.

Consistent Navigation

The website’s navigation should be consistent throughout to make life easier for those with cognitive or learning disabilities. Consistency means that the navigation should appear in the same place and offer the same function throughout the site.

Avoid Interruptions

Users should be able to control and avoid interruptions such as pop-ups or automatic media playing, which could be disorienting and distracting. They should also be able to pause, stop, or hide information that could be considered an interruption.

Our WCAG Accessibility Efforts

At NewCasinos, we have implemented accessibility measures and continuously strive for full accessibility. So, why do we not yet have the WCAG badge? Our team is implementing measures throughout our accessibility journey to obtain it. We aim to become WCAG 2.1 AAA level compliant, the highest level of accessibility compliance, and we are applying all our efforts to get there.

We are also open to user feedback. If you encounter any accessibility issues, please contact us.

Integrating Accessibility Features at NewCasino

At NewCasino, we understand that having accessible design features is essential. That is why we are working towards integrating these features on our website so that we become more accessible to those with disabilities.

Screen Reader Compatibility

At NewCasinos, we will soon be compatible with screen readers through the use of ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications), which will assist those with visual impairments in accessing our site.

Keyboard Navigation

Another feature we are working on is keyboard navigation, allowing users to interact with and navigate our site using only their keyboard. Once the feature is in place, users will be able to use keyboard controls like Enter, Tab, and the arrow keys to browse our site.

Text-to-Speech Support

Through the use of text-to-speech options and the integration of third-party tools, users can have their writing converted to speech, which will assist those with visual impairments, reading difficulties, and so on.

Closed Captions and Transcripts

At the moment, NewCasinos is working on closed captions and transcripts for videos. This will ensure that everyone can understand and access all videos at NewCasinos.

Adjustable Text Size and Fonts

Readability is a key feature for a website, and to ensure that ours is accessible to everyone, we are working on adjustable text sizes and fonts. Users will be able to increase the text size and change the font to be more readable.

Colour and Contrast Options

In line with readability and to assist those with visual impairments or colour blindness, we want to give users the option of changing the colour settings of our site and even changing the contrast so that it is easier to read.

Accessible Forms

We are improving our forms, such as our contact forms, so they are readily accessible and user-friendly. We will provide clear labels and proper form field markings and assist with form error identification.

Skip Navigation Links

With skip navigation, users will be able to bypass content and navigate directly to the desired section, making the site more accessible, intuitive, and user-friendly.

Accessible PDFs and Documents

We will aim to make our PDFs and documents more accessible to those with disabilities so that everyone can understand them. We will implement proper structure through headings, tables, etc., and provide alt text for images, descriptive links, etc.

Consistent Layout and Navigation

With accessibility in mind, we will be redesigning our site to ensure that the navigation is consistent throughout so that all users are familiar with the layout, making it easier to navigate and browse. Our layout will also remain consistent so that page structures and visual design elements help predict where the information is located.

Accessible Design Practices

At NewCasinos, we are dedicated to creating a site that is accessible to everyone. Through our careful redesign, we will closely examine accessibility features such as contrast colours, fonts, sizing, images, and navigation so that our site meets the highest standards and caters to everyone regardless of their abilities.

User Testing and Feedback

We want to ensure that we hit the mark, so we actively engage users with disabilities, gather their feedback, and make the necessary changes to our website to ensure it meets their requirements. If you have any feedback or wish to share your thoughts on accessibility and how we can improve, please don’t hesitate to contact us through our contact page.